L&M по модулям на русском


Вниманию действующих и будущих преподавателей английского языка! Международный экзаменационный центр представляет  онлайн курс  oт  Саймона Брукса, MSc in EMT TESOL Aston University,   International Teacher & Teacher Trainer 

English & Methodology

Информация о курсе: Overview Module

“Overview Module”  -  ознакомительный модуль обязателен для слушателей.

  • Первая пара - “Consolidation and development of teachers` level of English” - укрепление и развитие языковых навыков с использованием аутентичных материалов по теме, иллюстрирующих использование языка по данной теме с активной практикой
  • Вторая пара - “Consolidation and development of teachers` knowledge of methodology” - посвящена методике преподавания английского по теме первой пары, использование материалов для создания уроков в классе участников

Содержание модуля


English Language




Challenging authentic reading

We work on comprehension of authentic reading and listening texts

Teaching receptive skills

Managing reading and listening


A review of tenses

We work with authentic  texts describing past present and future

Clarifying language

A closer look at ways to clarify language and how to organise this in a lesson


Challenging authentic reading

Everyday English can be quite challenging, and in this sessions we will watch and understand authentic material to help with this.

Teaching phonology

In this session we focus on different aspects of phonology and how we can help our students in the classroom


Phrases with a purpose

This session uses authentic materials to introduce the usefulness of set phrases in specified situations

Methodology for managing lessons

A look at different ways to organise language lessons


Words, words, words

We look at the wide lexical resource of English through our authentic materials

Teaching Vocabulary Part 2

In this session we look more closely at the influential Lexical Approach


Working with productive skills

Authentic materials are used to set a project for participants who use their own and other sources to complete this.

Task based learning

A look at this influential approach to language learning

Международный экзаменационный центр,
Школа английского языка Anglo Language School
г. Краснодар, ул. Пушкина, 12, офисы 33, 35

Тел.: (988) 242–05–65, +7–918–650–32–07

ПН—ПТ: с 10:00 до 17:00
(без перерывов)